UK General Election announced

Community Pharmacy England has issued the following statement in response to the Prime Minister’s announcement of a UK General Election.

Our Chief Executive Janet Morrison said:

“We have been preparing for the news of a UK General Election for many months, briefing and building support for community pharmacy across all political parties. That work remains urgent and critical: community pharmacies are in deep distress, and we will continue to raise this and to warn about the risks of failing to support pharmacies across the political spectrum, as well as highlighting the value that community pharmacy still has to offer if it has the right investment and support.

The election period will be an important time for building supporters in readiness for the new Parliament – we will be talking to LPCs about how we can work together on this at our National Meeting today. To support our national engagement, we will be encouraging all LPCs and pharmacy owners to contact their local Prospective Parliamentary Candidates seeking their support for community pharmacy – resources and guidance to help with this are already available.

We will be discussing the impact on the ongoing 2024/25 pharmacy funding negotiations with the Department of Health and Social Care. The prospect of more delays is deeply concerning for pharmacy owners who urgently need good news: accelerating this negotiation, whether in the coming weeks or with the new Government, remains our focus.”

How concerned are you about your pharmacy business going into this winter, and what impact might there be on your patients?

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