Update on pharmacy IT workstreams published
Following its quarterly meeting in June 2022, the Community Pharmacy IT Group (CP ITG) has published its Pharmacy IT summer 2022 roundup.
This includes updates on:
- GP Connect ‘Access Records’: an NHS IT programme that could allow pharmacy professionals in the future to be able to appropriately access GP patient records where needed, if their IT clinical system suppliers have integrated with GP Connect.
- Share Care Records (ShCR): further progress is occurring with new pharmacies – such as within Somerset piloting access to ShCR.
- Piloting of “Apply for Care ID”: enabling health care staff to manage their Smartcards using an NHS authenticator app instead of doing face-to-face visits to the RA. Pharmacy contractors or team members can participate in the piloting of this by contacting iamplatforms@nhs.net (please also cc it@cpe.org.uk).
- NHS IT toolkits to support pharmacy services: NHSE&I has produced pharmacy services IT toolkits.
- NHS Profile Manager: NHS Profile Manager launched in June. If you have comments on the future wishlist, please contact it@cpe.org.uk.
- Real Time Exemption Checking (RTEC): Over 80% of pharmacy organisations have now received the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) functionality for RTEC.
There are also a number of additional opportunities for pharmacy teams to get involved to help improve their IT:
- NHS Booking and Referral IT Standards (BaRS): enabling booking and referral information to be sent between NHS service providers in a format more useful to clinicians. Contractors are encouraged to participate in user research by contacting bookingandreferralstandard@nhs.net.
- Virtual Visits: piloting update and how it works. Additional volunteers can express interest with piloting.
- NHSmail and multi factor authentication: Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) provides additional security in order for digital access and the NHSmail team has been asked to explore the implications, benefits and impacts with MFA introduction for health and care NHSmail users. Contractors are asked to share views about NHSmail MFA and any associated pharmacy requirement to it@cpe.org.uk.
Read more in the Quarterly IT update.
Comment from the Chair of CP ITG
The Chair of the group, Matt Armstrong commented:
“The community pharmacy digital landscape continues to progress at pace. Our group is keen to support the work needed to secure the foundations required for a more clinically focussed future for the sector. We believe that improved IT will enable more efficient clinical communication from community pharmacy into the wider NHS health system.
At the most recent IT group meeting, we discussed five focus areas for IT and supplier development with NHS colleagues: clinical services IT frameworks; access to records; EPS development system; bookings and referrals standards; and payment and data APIs to reduce double data entry.
“The group also welcomed the launch of NHS Profile Manager, RTEC DWP reaching a milestone of 80% and the upcoming digital pilot to simplify the process to request smartcards through ‘Apply for Care ID’ all with a focus to simplify existing operational processes in community pharmacy.”
About the CP ITG
Members of the CP ITG are drawn from PSNC, NPA, RPS, CCA and AIMp. PSNC also provides the secretariat for the group. Pharmacy contractors, IT system suppliers, NHSBSA, NHS Digital, NHSE&I, and NHS Transformation Directorate likewise participate in the group’s meetings and work. For more information, please visit the CP ITG webpage.