Practice leaflet requirements

Published on: 23rd July 2013 | Updated on: 3rd August 2023

The clinical governance requirements for pharmacies, set out in paragraph 28(2)(a)(i) of Schedule 4, Part 4, of the National Health Service (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013, a requirement that the pharmacy contractor (P) “…produces in an approved manner, and makes available in an appropriate manner, a practice leaflet containing approved particulars in respect of P’s pharmacy premises”.

NHS England published the updated approved particulars setting out the requirements for the pharmacy practice leaflet on 19th July 2023.

The requirements

The practice leaflet must include the following:

  1. Name, address and telephone number of the pharmacy;
  2. If owned by a company based elsewhere, the contact details for their head office;
  3. Opening hours;
  4.  A list or description of NHS services available at the pharmacy (including Advanced, but not necessarily Enhanced services or other locally commissioned services);
  5. Access arrangements for disabled customers, including adjustments to premises or services which may be offered to patients with a disability;
  6. NHS 111 details as follows:
    “When the pharmacy is closed, if you urgently need medical help or advice but it’s not a life-threatening situation, contact NHS 111, by calling 111. Information can also be accessed at”;
  7. A statement that the pharmacy is not obliged to serve violent or abusive customers;
  8. A statement that the pharmacy complies with the Data Protection Act and the NHS code on confidentiality;
  9. Detail of how to find out more about services offered, comment on those services, or make a complaint;
  10. Contact details of the commissioner, i.e. the relevant Integrated Care Board as communicated to the pharmacy by the commissioner; and
  11. The leaflet may refer to healthcare-related non-NHS services provided by the pharmacy, but if it does so, it must be under a separate heading “Other services we provide”.

The leaflet must be printed using a plain font in minimum size 12 pt, with sufficient contrast between print and background colour.

The leaflet must be branded with the NHS primary care logo (which is made up of two elements – the NHS logo and the pharmacy descriptor line “Providing NHS Services”), ideally in the top right hand corner on the first page. The NHS logo must, as a registered trademark, be used in accordance with the NHS identity guidelines for primary care. A pharmacy/practice logo can be used as well, if the pharmacy has one.

In October 2011, an amendment to the clinical governance framework required that whenever NHS services are publicised, this is carried out in a manner which makes clear that the services are funded as part of the health service. This should be considered by pharmacy contractors when updating the text of their practice leaflet. Contractors may, for example, want to list or describe the NHS services they provide under a heading ‘NHS services we provide’. Alternatively they could use ‘NHS’ in the title of the service, e.g. NHS New Medicine Service.

In 2018 the Approved Particulars were also updated to reflect changes to NHS structures and guidance on use of the NHS identity; the updated requirements for leaflets no longer refer to Primary Care Trusts or NHS Direct instead referring to NHS England and NHS 111. They are also now in line with the revised NHS identity guidance published in 2017. Contractors have to update their leaflets by 31st July 2018 to reflect the requirements of the updated approved particulars.

Practice leaflet template

Community Pharmacy England’s leaflet templates can be downloaded by clicking on the links below. These templates are provided to assist pharmacy contractors with creating their own leaflets, but text on services not provided by a pharmacy will need to be deleted and additional information, for example detailing locally commissioned services, could also be added.

Bi-fold template practice leaflet (Updated August 2023) (Microsoft Word)

Tri-fold template practice leaflet (Updated August 2023) (Microsoft Word)

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