Services Database Access to oral COVID medication
Service ID
The COVID-19 Medicines Delivery Unit (CMDU) is a seven-day service that supports non hospitalised patients who are at a high risk of developing severe complications from COVID-19, despite being vaccinated.
Patients who test positive for COVID-19 can refer themselves to the CMDU for assessment for eligibility for medication by calling 0300 44 35919.
From Monday August 12th, 2024, the way in which the public obtain COVID oral antiviral medication will be changing.
Patients deemed eligible for oral antiviral medication by Mid and South Essex COVID
Medicines Delivery Unit (CMDU) will be prescribed by CMDU Clinical Nurse Specialists
and dispensed by a community pharmacy.
This will include Paxlovid, Molnupiravir and any new medication to support treatment as
determined by CMDU.
Parenteral treatment will continue to be dispensed by the hospital pharmacy.
Location of service
Essex LPC
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Service type
Antiviral stockholding
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date: