Services Database Ageing Better in Camden: Identifying Socially Isolated and Lonely Older People in Camden – Over 60s (Camden Area)
Service ID
This is a service provided by pharmacy drivers or counter staff who will identify lonely and socially isolated older people or people who are at risk of loneliness and social isolation (over 60s). It can be provided in the pharmacy or in the older person’s home.
This is a free service to Camden residents that will support and encourage people who are over 60 and who are lonely or socially isolated or at risk of being lonely or socially isolated to be referred onto Ageing Better in Camden. There will be two levels of identification/referral –
- A basic referral made by the delivery driver or counter staff to Ageing Better in Camden Community Connector Service OR to their own trained counter staff.
- A more in depth referral which includes a half hour consultation with pharmacy staff who will actively encourage the older person to be referred (or to self-refer). The pharmacy staff member will encourage the older person to connect with Ageing Better in Camden’s Community Connector Service or another partner agency/organisation. They will try and convince the older person it is worth ‘reaching out’ and that they will be listened to and supported in their choices.
Location of service
Camden & Islington LPC
Other: Ageing Better in Camden (part of the national programme Fulfilling Lives: Ageing Better funded by the Big Lottery Fund)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Service type
Vulnerable patients
Other organisations involved
Start date: 01/10/2015
End date: 01/10/2017
Staff involved in the provision of the service must have undertaken training provided by Ageing Better in Camden and relevant to this service.
A three hour compulsory training will be delivered for all pharmacies joining the service. Staff and pharmacists will be expected to attend.
This service is available in the Camden area only.