Services Database Alcohol Intervention Service – Pilot (Bristol Area)

Service ID



The pharmacy is contracted to deliver an alcohol identification, screening and brief intervention service:

  • to support the reduction in the level of alcohol related harm within the Bristol community;
  • to support the increased awareness within the population of Bristol of the health risks linked to alcohol misuse; and
  • to signpost those clients that have been identified as being at higher risk from their alcohol use to the relevant specialist treatment services or their GP

Using defined criteria, customers ‘walking in’ to a participating Bristol pharmacy will be offered screening using a scratch card. They will be advised to talk to a member of staff if they score 5 or more.

Location of service

Avon LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Alcohol screening & brief intervention

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




The staff delivering the interventions will have undertaken the Alcohol Learning Centre's e-learning for pharmacists.

Staff delivering the intervention will also have attended the Healthy Living Pharmacies face-to-face brief advice training at Bristol City Council.


This service is available in the Bristol area only.