Services Database Alcohol Screening & Brief Intervention

Service ID



Pharmacies will screen people over 18 years of age, using the AUDIT questionnaire (Alcohol Use Dependency Identification Tool).
Depending on the final score, pharmacies will provide confidential one to one brief advice including identification of units of alcohol, identification of the harms associated with their level of drinking, advice on the benefits of reducing levels of drinking. In order to motivate individuals to take positive action and modify their drinking levels.
The pharmacy will signpost to specialist services for those whose drinking levels may indicate dependency.
Each qualifying pharmacy will be commissioned to supply initially up to 100 interventions. This may be raised during the year according to overall uptake.

Location of service

Cornwall & Isles of Scilly LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Alcohol screening & brief intervention

Other organisations involved

The Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Drug & Alcohol Action Team


Start date:
End date:




Not known
