Services Database Alcohol Screening and Intervention Service

Service ID



The pharmacy will screen patients over 18 years of age using preset questions on PharmOutcomes during set focus weeks. Focus weeks will be communicated to pharmacies via the Local Contract Manager with a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice. The first focus week was in November 2018 and a further one in January 2019.

The pharmacy will screen and provide one to one support and advice. The service will assess drinking level in all service users, and provide brief interventions to motivate them to take positive action and help them modify their drinking patterns, in conjunction with the local Harm Reduction Team.

Alcohol screening can be completed by any member of the team that has been trained by an accredited health care professional.

Location of service

Norfolk & Suffolk LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Alcohol screening & brief intervention

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




All pharmacists are recommended to read the following as it will help them to provide the service and train their staff:

  • CPPE Alcohol misuse: Support and advice from the pharmacy team – Distant
    Learning Pack.
  • CPPE Dealing with difficult discussions – eLearning.
