Services Database Antibiotic Awareness Scheme
Service ID
Service description:
- The pharmacy will offer leaflets when discussing minor ailments designed to educate patients on their condition and when to seek
medical intervention; - The pharmacy will offer to patients waiting in the pharmacy an antibiotic quiz designed to educate on the proper use of antibiotics;
- Minor ailment interventions will be recorded;
- Antibiotic quiz results will be recorded; and
- All results will be recorded on pharmoutcomes for the period of the service at weekly intervals.
The pharmacy providing this service must be accredited or working towards accreditation status as a HLP.
Location of service
Devon LPC
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Service type
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
- All staff providing the service must be accredited to provide the intervention by attending the organised training event;
- Participating pharmacies must have attended the Devon LPC face to face training event; and
- The responsible pharmacist is required to recognise personal and professional limitations with reference to the provision of advice
on minor ailments and the use of antibiotics and identify and prioritise the pharmacy teams learning and development to support this