Services Database Blood Glucose Monitoring for the Diabetic adult population

Service ID



Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will be documented and measured through the relevant schedule of the NHS National Standard short form contract. The KPIs applicable to this
service are detailed below and included in the relevant schedule of the contract. Those measured and reported on by Pharmoutcomes® (Midlands and Lancashire CSU) include:

  • % uptake of cost-effective Blood glucose meters for eligible patients (split by each machine)
  • Cost of strips used before swap and estimated cost after swap
  • Cost of lancets before swap and estimated cost after swap
  • % change in lancet costs
  • % of patients offered advice on:
    • Appropriate frequency of testing
    • Hypo management
    • Lifestyle
  • % of patients signposted to a local structured education programme
  • % of NMS and MUR undertaken
  • Those outcomes monitored by the CCG include:
    • % reduction in the average number of annual strips provided to patients
    • an expectation that at least 75% of pharmacy consultations in this pilot will result in a swap of meters, in addition to practical advice to the patient on testing frequency and diabetes management.

Location of service

Coventry LPC


Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Service type


Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Training via Coventry University Open Moodle.
