Services Database Bodyweight Assessment via Community Pharmacy (Manchester Area)
Service ID
The aims of the Targeted Weight Assessment Pilot Programme are to accurately weigh individuals at high body weight [in excess of 200kg] and to ensure that such individuals are entered into the appropriate care pathway.
There are gaps in the patient information currently available and a number of individuals have insufficient information recorded to enable an assessment of suitability for onward referral for bariatric surgery to be made. Therefore NHS Manchester wishes to commission a targeted pilot weight check programme to be delivered across the city in order to supplement the information held on GP practice systems.
This service is intended to be in support of the Specialised Weight Management Service (SWMS).
Pharmacists are their teams are required to:
- offer targeted weighing in an easily accessible community setting at appropriate times of the day;
- accurately test and record specific anthropometric and lifestyle information;
- communicate this weight to the individual if they require the data; and
- accurately and promptly report information to General Practice.
Location of service
Greater Manchester LPC
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Service type
Weight management
Other organisations involved
Start date: 01/09/2012
End date: 31/03/2015
All community pharmacists and staff providing the service must complete the commissioner training session.
This service is available in the Manchester area only.