Services Database Care Homes
Service ID
NHS Barnsley Clinical Commissioning Group is committed to working together with local health providers to ensure the commissioning and delivery of high quality services for the people of Barnsley.
Key points of the service:
- sharing information about a resident’s medicines, including when they transfer between care settings;
- ensuring that records are accurate and up to date;
- identifying, reporting and reviewing medicines-related problems;
- keeping residents safe (safeguarding);
- accurately listing a resident’s medicines (medicines reconciliation);
- reviewing medicines (medication review);
- ordering medicines;
- receiving, storing and disposing of medicines;
- helping residents to look after and take their medicines themselves (self-administration);
- care home staff administering medicines to residents, including staff training and competence requirements;
- care home staff giving medicines to residents without their knowledge (covert administration); and
- care home staff giving non-prescription and over-the-counter products to residents (homely remedies).
Location of service
Barnsley LPC
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Service type
Care home
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
Not known.