Services Database Chlamydia Screening (East Sussex County Council Area)

Service ID



The aim of the service is to routinely offer chlamydia screening to all patients aged 15–24 years. Pharmacists and their teams should opportunistically identify and offer appropriate individuals a self-testing screening kit.

Screens use a self-taken low vaginal swab (females) or first catch urine sample (males) and should be performed on the premises.  Participating pharmacies must have access to toilet facilities either on the premises or very close by and should encourage patients to deposit completed tests with them posting.  Completed screening kits can be returned through hospital courier service to The Conquest or by using the pre-paid paid postal envelope included in the kit.

Results will be sent to the local screening office who will deal with all notification, including negative and positive results, follow-up contacts and treatments for positive patients and their contacts.

Location of service

East Sussex LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type


Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




To participate, staff should receive initial training from the Chlamydia Team.


This service is available in the East Sussex County Council area only.