Services Database Chlamydia Screening and Treatment service

Service ID



The pharmacy will offer a chlamydia screening service to sexually active people less than 25 years of age. People less than 16 years of age will be provided with the service if deemed Fraser competent. People less than 16 years of age who present for screening and who are not deemed to be Fraser competent should be referred to the Chlamydia Screening Office.

If a positive test result is obtained, the pharmacy will receive a phone call from the Chlamydia Screening Programme Team (CSPT) to advise of patient details for treatment and partner details for epidemiological treatment in line with the Patient Group Directions (PGD) - azithromycin or doxycycline can be supplied under PGD.

Location of service

Warwickshire LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type


Other organisations involved

Chlamydia Screening Programme Team


Start date:
End date:




CPPE learning programmes provide pharmacists with the necessary knowledge to underpin the provision of this service:

  • Sexual health in pharmacies (CPPE 2010; Open Learning)
  • Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults (CPPE 2012; e-learning)

Optional training:

  • Sexual health - Safeguarding and Chlamydia: A healthy living pharmacy event (CPPE 2012; Workshop)
  • Dealing with difficult discussions (CPPE 2006; Open Learning)
  • Adolescent health (CPPE 2008; Open Learning)
