Services Database Chlamydia Screening and Treatment Services Delivered in Community Pharmacies
Service ID
Chlamydia screening service for patients aged 15-24 year olds. Females can chose between a vaginal swab (greater sensitivity) or provide a urine sample. Whenever possible testing kits should be handed in at the pharmacy for checking and onward posting to the laboratory.
The young person will receive their results within two weeks of testing in the format that they prefer. All results are available to the Hertfordshire Chlamydia Screening Programme (HCSP) on a secure database as soon as the results are uploaded by the laboratory. All negative results are automatically texted (usually preferred choice) to the young person by HCSP. Young people with positive tests are asked to call HCSP as soon as possible.
Young people aged 16-24 who test positive for chlamydia may be supplied with azithromycin under the Patient Group Direction (PGD) for uncomplicated chlamydia trachomatis.
Partners of patients who test positive may obtain free screening and treatment under the service regardless of their age. They must be over the age of 16 at a community pharmacy.
Location of service
Hertfordshire LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Other organisations involved
Hertfordshire Chlamydia Screening Programme (HCSP)
Start date:
End date:
To operate under the PGD the pharmacist must have attended accredited Hertfordshire Chlamydia Treatment PGD Training.