Services Database Chlamydia Screening Counter-top Kits 16-24 year olds only
Service ID
Service description/pathway
- Counter-top Screening Kits should be displayed at the point of sale, to enable 16-24 year olds to opportunistically pick up a kit, without a face-to-face consultation with the pharmacist
- Young people aged 16-24 who present to the community pharmacist with symptoms suggestive of sexual ill health should be referred on to local specialist sexual health services.
- The pharmacist must use their professional judgement to consider and act on any safeguarding concerns that may arise as a consequence of providing the service to a young person. This should be in line with local Devon and Torbay Safeguarding Children’s Board procedures (
- Pharmacies will offer a ‘Young People Friendly’ patient centred and confidential service, and be equipped to respond to young people’s enquiries if they arise, with up to date information on responsible condom use and safer sexual activity.
- Pharmacists and staff involved in the provision of the service are required to clearly display any
promotional materials advertising the service
Location of service
Devon LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Service type
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
The Applicant, as employers, confirm that they will ensure that all pharmacists and supporting staff are fit for
the purposes for which they are employed i.e. suitably qualified and appropriately trained and vetted for the
roles they are undertaking (for example DBS checks as per organisational requirements). For more information
see (
• Local face-to-face training session:
On completion of the online CPPE emergency hormonal contraception and safeguarding modules,
pharmacists will be required to attend a local face-to-face training session covering:
o Chlamydia screening and the role of the pharmacist
o Using the Preventx Chlamydia Screening kit;
o Recording activity on the PharmOutcomes platform
o How to make the best of a sexual health conversation with a young person
o General consent issues/assessing Fraser competence; being alert and observant for any issues of
concern for under 16’s, and vulnerable young adults
o Promoting the sexual health service for young people in the pharmacy
o The role of the chlamydia screening team/management of positive results
Pharmacists and staff who wish to provide the Counter-top Pick-up Screening Kit service are required to
attend a local Face-to-face training session training session as detailed above.
• The Sexual health in Pharmacies Open Learning Programme CPPE self-learning packages is currently
recommended but not compulsory:
Maintaining accreditation status:
• Each individual pharmacist has responsibility to ensure that they maintain their accreditation status
and competency. Pharmacists are required to attend a local face-to-face update session every 3 years
and update relevant CPPE modules in accordance with their personal learning requirements.