Services Database Community Based Sexual Health Services for Young People (Leicester City Area)
Service ID
Chlamydia screening & treatment
Pharmacists will deliver opportunistic chlamydia screening and treatment (Clamelle Tablets) to 15-24 year old clients in line with the National Chlamydia Screening Programme and locally agreed protocols and care pathways.
Pharmacists will provide support and advice to clients accessing the service. This includes advising on the avoidance of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) through safer sex and condom use, (including long acting reversible contraceptive methods intrauterine devices, contraceptive implants and injectables). They will also provide onward signposting to services that provide long-term contraceptive methods, diagnosis and management of STIs.
Emergency hormonal contraception
Pharmacists will provide Levonelle to women under 25 years of age who request this and where it is clinically appropriate. They will provide clients with information relating to contraception, pregnancy testing sites and local sexual health services / pathways. They will also provide sexual health support and advice to clients accessing the service including onward signposting to other sexual health services and aim to increase the knowledge, especially among young people, of the availability of emergency contraception and contraception from pharmacies. In addition, they will aim to increase the knowledge of clients on the risks associated with STIs.
Location of service
Leicestershire & Rutland LPC
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Service type
Sexual health
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
Chlamydia screening & treatment
The pharmacy contractor must satisfy the local authority that pharmacists providing this service have attended the organised training events and all staff offering screens have participated in the training provided by the Chlamydia Screening Office facilitator at the pharmacy.
Emergency hormonal contraception
The contractor must satisfy the local authority that pharmacists providing this service have attended the organised training events.
In addition to the above training, individual accredited pharmacists must every three years attend a refresh session organised by the local authority and keep up to date with changes in clinical practice including the medications and regulations that may impact upon this service to ensure that they are able to provide the most up to date and effective service.
The community pharmacist delivering the service must have completed appropriate training to enable them to provide medication using a Patient Group Direction.
This service is available in the Leicester City area only.