Services Database The Provision of Chlamydia Treatment

Service ID



When a service user tests positive for chlamydia, the locally commissioned sexual health service provider will contact the service user and offer options for treatment, for example, CASH, GUM, GP or pharmacy. Where the service user chooses to receive treatment in community pharmacy, the locally commissioned sexual health service provider will contact the pharmacy to arrange for the service user to attend for treatment.

Once it has been established that a suitably trained pharmacist is present, the locally commissioned sexual health service provider will fax the Communication Form to the pharmacy to confirm the service user details. No azithromycin can be supplied to the service user without the authorisation of this form. The pharmacist will see the service user in the pharmacy at the agreed time. The pharmacist shall use the Patient Group Direction (PGD) and checklist to ensure that it is appropriate to supply the treatment. If the service user cannot be treated under the PGD, the pharmacist shall make an urgent referral back to the locally commissioned sexual health service provider as per the care pathway.

If appropriate, the pharmacist will supply azithromycin tablets (4 x 250mg tablets) and consumption must be supervised by the pharmacist at the consultation. The pharmacist will also supply all service users who receive treatment with one pack of condoms (standard 3 pack of condoms) from pharmacy stock and also provide support and advice to service users accessing the service on safe sex, condom use and advice on the use of regular contraceptive methods, when required.

Location of service

Dorset LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type


Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




The pharmacy contractor shall ensure that all pharmacists providing the service have signed and are operating as required by the up to date PGD. Before offering the service, all pharmacists providing treatment under the PGD must also have successfully complete the CPPE Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults 2012 e-learning module (1.5hrs).
