Services Database Community Pharmacy Asthma Review: A Pilot Service (2 LPCs Involved)

Service ID



Please note this service is commissioned across Norfolk & Suffolk LPCs. The service has only been added onto the Services Database under this entry to avoid duplication.

The aims of this service are:

  1. To reduce the number of DNA for annual asthma reviews by providing community pharmacy as an alternative to general practice.
  2. To provide more opportunities and improve convenience for eligible patients to have an asthma review.

Five medical practices in Great Yarmouth and Waveney will identify the patients who have not received an asthma review in the previous 12 months and notify the nominated participating pharmacy of the need to the review the patient, with their consent, when they present for a prescription.

Pharmacy contractors will offer an annual asthma review to those patients who have been identified. When the patient’s electronic prescription is downloaded, an electronic message will identify that the patient is eligible for an asthma review. Pharmacy contractors must utilise PharmOutcomes to access the asthma review service, as this has been developed in line with SIMPLE methodology and allows for capture of all other information that is necessary as part of a Medicines Use Review (MUR).
During the asthma review, the pharmacist will be expected to

  • Review asthma medication against national guidelines.
  • Discuss asthma control and affect on quality of life.
  • Discuss adherence.
  • Review inhaler technique (where necessary).
  • Complete PharmOutcomes database.
  • Send review outcome to patient's GP.

Location of service

Norfolk LPC


Other: The Health Foundation: Innovating for Improvement Fund.

Method of commissioning

Source of funding


Service type


Other organisations involved

University of East Anglia, James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Great Yarmouth and Waveney CCG, Norfolk LPC.


Start date: 01/03/2017
End date: 31/08/2017




Not known.

The pharmacy contractor must ensure that all pharmacists completing the asthma reviews are accredited to deliver Medicines Use Reviews (MURs).
