Services Database Community Pharmacy Domiciliary Medicines Support & Medicines Use Review (Richmond Area)
Service ID
This service allows for the provision of Domiciliary Medicines Support and Medicines Use Reviews in the home setting rather than in the pharmacy for those housebound and unable to attend the pharmacy for a review.
Elements of the service include:
- identification of eligible people and to receive referrals for the service;
- arrangement of home visit in conjunction with carers where possible;
- review of person’s use of medicines at their home;
- recording of the review on summary form and scoring using amended RIO system;
- follow up with GP where appropriate;
- waste avoidance; and
- disposal of unwanted medicines.
Location of service
Kingston & Richmond LPC
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Service type
Domiciliary care
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
Attendance at domiciliary service training is required.
This service is available in the Richmond area only.