Services Database Community Pharmacy Influenza Immunisation Service – Front Line Employees of the Council & VIVO Care Choices Ltd 2014-15
Service ID
Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council commissioned community pharmacies to offer influenza immunisation to front line employees of the Council and VIVO Care Choices Ltd who worked directly with people in a clinical risk group in the Borough. Eligible members of staff were issued with a voucher by their employer which was exchanged at participating pharmacies contracted by the Council, for an influenza vaccination.
Location of service
Cheshire & Wirral LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Seasonal influenza vaccination
Other organisations involved
VIVO Care Choices Ltd
Start date: 01/10/2014
End date: 31/01/2015
Any pharmacist who was involved in administering the vaccine must have the required competencies and have:
- completed training in the provision and administration of the vaccine or participated in update training in the provision and administration of the vaccine within the last 12 months;
- competed training with regard to the recognition and initial treatment of anaphylaxis and CPR or participated in update training with regard to the recognition and initial treatment of anaphylaxis and CPR within the last 12 months; and
- regular training and development, taking into account national standards, is routinely available.
Pharmacists also needed to have read the following chapters in the Greenbook:
- Chapter 5 - Immunisation by nurses and other health professionals
- Chapter 8 - Vaccine safety and adverse effects following
- Chapter 19 - Influenza