Services Database Community Pharmacy Needle Exchange

Service ID



The pharmacy team will provide access to approved packs and  offer a user-friendly, non-judgemental, service user-centred and confidential service. Service users will be encouraged to return used equipment for safe disposal and will be provided with appropriate health promotion materials from the pharmacy team.

The pharmacy team will provide support and advice to the service user, including signposting to other health and social care professionals and specialist drug and alcohol treatment services where appropriate. In addition, the pharmacy team will promote safe practice to the service user, including advice on sexual health and STIs, blood borne viruses including HIV and hepatitis C transmission and hepatitis B immunisation.

Location of service

Surrey LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Needle & syringe programme

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Pharmacists and staff meet the requirements of the Competency and Training Framework for Needle and Syringe Provision.  Completion of the following open learning CPPE pack plus the online assessment would meet this requirement:

  • Substance Use and Misuse; amd
  • Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults.
