Services Database Community Pharmacy Smoking Cessation Service (Portsmouth City Area)
Service ID
The service comprises of several levels of activity:
- Offering advice to identified smokers and assessment of willingness to quit;
- Effective signposting of smokers to a service that suits their particular need, including referral to specialist service;
- Working with clients to set quit date and then to support that quit through motivational interviewing and other behaviour change techniques and where needed supply of nicotine
replacement therapy; - Assessment of smoking status at 4 weeks;
- Working with clients who have successfully quit to sustain their efforts up to 12 weeks; and
- Assessment of smoking status at 12 weeks.
Location of service
Hampshire & IOW LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Stop smoking
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
Portsmouth City Council working with Pompey Quit will provided training by providing smoking education events through its Smoking Cessation Adviser Network and by bespoke update training.
All staff providing 1:1 counselling must be accredited Level 2 Intermediate Stop Smoking Adviser.
The preferred route of accreditation is to attend the 2 day training session delivered by PompeyQuit.
Alternative routes for accreditation is for pharmacists and technicians to complete the National Centre for Stop Smoking and Training modules in association with the Centre of Pharmacy Postgraduate Education distance learning / workshop programme.
This service is available in the Portsmouth City area only.