Services Database Community Pharmacy Stop Smoking Service (Redbridge)
Service ID
- To provide a consistent and effective evidence based local intervention to support residents to stop smoking.
- To refer those that are ineligible for the service to other suitable commissioned stop smoking services
- To promote the service locally
- To record and report specified data to enable effective service monitoring
- To support the evaluation of the service
Service description
12-week programme: The Pharmacy will provide a maximum of 12-week smoking cessation programme, consisting of behavioural support, very brief advice and provision of licensed medicinal products in accordance with national standards and best practice including NICE and NCSCT guidelines. The service will be provided to those meeting the specified inclusion criteria outlined below. Client not meeting the inclusion criteria should be signposted to a suitable commissioned pathway
Location of service
North East London LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Service type
Stop smoking
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
Pharmacists or other designated pharmacy staff involved in the provision of the service must have satisfactorily completed the following training
- National Centre of Smoking Cessation Treatment (NCSCT) Stop Smoking Practitioner Certification training.
(Pharmacists that are already certified do not need to repeat their training for the purposes of this service);
- The NCSCT module on using e-cigarettes for the purpose of advice only and not free prescribing
- Pharmacists must read the NCSCT Standard Treatment Programme (STP), used to support consultations.
Other staff including counter assistant(s) and dispensing staff can also be trained as smoking cessation advisors or undertake a short module on Very Brief Advice through the NCSCT to help engage with clients.
The lead pharmacist will be responsible for ensuring the following;
- That in addition to the trained pharmacist there will be one accredited trained advisor available within the pharmacy for a minimum of four days a week; one of whom is strongly recommended to be a pharmacist for continuity of service during periods of leave or sickness
- That pharmacists continue to update their skills by attending additional courses/forums and refresher training
- Providing a list of accredited pharmacists, including locums, and other staff providing the service
- That Locum pharmacists are provided with the tobacco smoking cessation service specification and any other relevant service information.