Services Database Delivery of Medicines Information Talks to Specified Patient Groups (Herefordshire Area)
Service ID
The aim of this service is to ensure patients are on optimum therapy by presenting to a group session of members of the public and making recommendations to improve concordance and patient understanding of:
- effectiveness of treatments;
- appropriateness of treatment based on latest evidence;
- adverse drug effects;
- in the case of sessions delivered to school children to understand where the use of specific medicines (for example, antibiotics)
The service objectives are to present to a group audience around key safety messages regarding medicines. This service covers all registered patients in Herefordshire attending groups according to those approved by Herefordshire Clinical Commissioning Group Medicines Optimisation Team.
Location of service
Herefordshire & Worcestershire LPC
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Service type
Patient group education
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
Not known.
This service is available in the Herefordshire area only.