Services Database DHU Staff Health Checks

Service ID



Derbyshire United Health (DHU) staff in Leicestershire have been offered a health check and advice on how to tackle stress and mental health.

DHU provides the NHS 111 and some Out of Hours services in the county. They commissioned the Arden & GEM Commissioning Support Unit (CSU) to provide NHS Health Checks for their staff and provide additional support in tackling stress and mental health. The Health Check is a key tool in identifying lifestyles that could cause health problems in later life, as well as detecting certain medical conditions early.

The health checks took place in November 2016 and included:

  • Mini Health Checks including Body Mass Index measures, blood pressure and lifestyle advice delivered by local pharmacist;
  • an interactive lifestyle check; and
  • advice on picking up signs early and lifestyle changes to prevent stress.

In total 17 DHU staff took up the opportunity for one to one mini health checks and stress/mental health workshops. As a result, those staff that showed higher than average blood pressure or who were overweight according to the BMI score were given appropriate advice on how to change their lifestyle to become more fit and healthy.

Location of service

Leicestershire & Rutland LPC



Method of commissioning

Source of funding


Service type

NHS Health Check

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Not known.
