Services Database Directly Observed Treatment of Tuberculosis’ (DOT) Service (City & Hackney)
Service ID
This service requires the pharmacist to supervise the consumption of antituberculous medicines at the point of administration in the pharmacy, ensuring that the dose has been administered to the patient. The pharmacist should also make a brief assessment of the patient’s general health, behaviour and status. Any problems should be reported back to the patient’s keyworker/prescriber.
This service has been decommissioned.
Location of service
North East London LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Tuberculosis (TB)
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
The pharmacist and any relevant staff member(s) are required to attend an initial training event prior to the commencement of the scheme. The pharmacist must also participate in continual training, or the appropriate alternative, to support the scheme, as set out by the scheme coordinator.