Services Database Domiciliary Medicine Use Reviews – Pilot (Rugeley Area)
Service ID
This service was developed as a pilot for the provision of Medicines Use Reviews (MURs) in the home setting rather than in the pharmacy for the housebound and unable to attend the pharmacy for a review.
Each pharmacy involved in the pilot was commissioned to conduct 10 domiciliary MURs.
In addition to a MUR, the pharmacist was expected to also conduct an additional assessment. The aims of the additional assessment were:
- to identify any issues the patient has in accessing their medicines – ordering and collecting prescriptions and collecting medicines and to put in place support to address these;
- to identify any physical issues that the patient may have that impact on their ability to take their medicines and how to minimise these by changing either formulation, packaging or labelling, or provision of an aid such as an eye drop dispenser or spacer;
- to asses any compliance aids currently used by the patient to help them to remember to take their medicines and to identify and provide any support to assist with this such as reminder charts, medicine administration records; and
- to determine if the patient is eating normally or has had a recent assessment for ongoing need of sip feeds.
Location of service
Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent LPC
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Service type
Domiciliary care
Other organisations involved
Start date: 01/06/2014
End date: 30/11/2014
Pharmacists needed to be MUR accredited to provide this service. They also needed to attend domiciliary MUR training.
This service was available in the Rugeley area only.