Services Database Sexual Health Service

Service ID



Community pharmacies deliver a local sexual health service across Sunderland which has the following components:

  • provision of emergency hormonal contraception which is free at the point of access to service users (aged 13 years and over) who have had unprotected sex or potential failure of a contraceptive method;
  • provision of screening for common bacterial sexually transmitted infections (STIs) through dual screening for chlamydia and gonorrhoea for service users aged 15-24 years;
  • provision of condoms through the C-Card scheme for service users aged 13-24 years;
  • provision of sexual health advice and support to service users, including (but not limited to) advice on the avoidance of pregnancy and STIs through safer sex and condom use, and information on the full range of contraceptive methods and signposting to other relevant services.

Location of service

Sunderland LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Sexual health

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




  • CPPE online assessment on Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults e-learning
  • CPPE online assessment for Consultation Skills e-learning
  • CPPE online Contraception and Emergency Contraception e-learning resources
