Services Database Emergency Hormonal Contraception (Derbyshire County Area)

Service ID



Pharmacists will supply oral emergency contraception (OEC) as Levonorgestrel (LNG) and Ulipristal Acetate (ellaOne), when appropriate, in line with the requirements of the locally produced Patient Group Directions (PGD) (see Appendix B); provide support and advice to women accessing the service, including the avoidance of pregnancy and STIs through safer sex, condom use and regular contraceptive methods, with signposting to 'Your Sexual Health Matters' (Derbyshire Integrated Sexual Health Service (ISHS).

Emergency contraception methods are not limited to OEC and include the use of copper bearing intrauterine devices (Cu-lUDs). Though this service only allows supply of OEC, it should raise awareness of other methods of emergency contraception that are available and facilitate access to these.

Location of service

Derbyshire LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Emergency hormonal contraception

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Not known.


This service is available in the Derbyshire County area only.