Services Database Emergency Hormonal Contraception (Rochdale Area)

Service ID



RBC is commissioning and funding an emergency hormonal contraception service to
promote the use of, and maintain ease of access to this provision in order to reduce the
number of unintended conceptions amongst residents of all ages and to encourage safer
sex and the use of regular methods of contraception.

In this specification, providers (pharmacies) are referred to as ‘contractors’
Contractors offering emergency hormonal contraception as detailed in this specification will:
a) Consult with clients attending for Emergency Hormonal Contraception and:
b) Offer information and advice about all methods of emergency contraception including the
emergency IUD and provide information on the probability of failure with advice on the
course of action in the event of this occurring
c) If deemed to be appropriate, to issue and supply free emergency contraceptive pill(s) in
accordance with the relevant Patient Group Direction (PGD). For further guidance go to
If the client is under 16 years of age, Fraser competencies will be adhered to
d) Offer advice, referral and signposting information about regular methods of contraception
including long-acting methods and how to obtain them (through patient’s GP or any
integrated sexual and reproductive health service as these are open access in England so
anyone can attend any provider). In RBC integrated sexual and reproductive health
services are provided by HCRG Care Group
e) Offer information and advice about safer sex and the benefits of screening for sexually
transmitted infections.

Location of service

Greater Manchester LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Emergency hormonal contraception

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Pharmacists providing this service for pharmacies must meet the competencies detailed in Declaration of Competence for community pharmacy services, produced by CPPE and Health Education North West, as a minimum and completed the self-declaration.


This service is available in the Rochdale area only.