Services Database Emergency Hormonal Contraception Services Delivered in Community Pharmacies

Service ID



This service incorporates not only the provision of emergency hormonal contraception (EHC), and related advice, information and signposting to other services, but also includes supply of condoms, pregnancy test as appropriate and information about chlamydia infection and chlamydia testing.

The pharmacy will offer free EHC (Levonelle 1500) within 72 hours of earliest risk to females aged 15 – and under 25 years, and aged at least 13 – 15 years old who are deemed to be Fraser competent under a Patient Group Directive (PGD).

Location of service

Hertfordshire LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Emergency hormonal contraception

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Pharmacists must attend an approved training workshop and must have completed and passed the multiple choice questionnaire (65% pass mark).

Pharmacists must complete the most recent CPPE Emergency Hormonal Contraception Learning Pack as a pre requisite to attendance at a local Pharmacist Accreditation Workshop.

The most recent CPPE Contraception Pack must be completed before or within 3 months of attending the workshop.

Where the Service is provided to girls under 16 years then, in addition to the above Pharmacists must complete the CPPE Child Protection Open Learning Pack / e-learning assessment.
