Services Database Emergency Supply of Medicines 2015-16

Service ID



The pharmacist at the request of a patient will assess whether there is an urgent need for their medicine, in circumstances where it is impracticable for the patient to obtain a prescription before the next dose is due.

This service follows on from the success of the emergency supply service offered in 2014 and NHS Rotherham CCG (NHS RCCG) has decided to commission the Emergency Supply of Medicines Local Enhanced Service (LES) for all the Bank Holiday periods from 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2016.

The LES will run during GP out of hour’s periods i.e. Monday to Thursday 6pm until 8am, Friday to Monday (weekend) from 6 pm to 8am and Bank Holidays. The table below summarises the dates and times the LES is active for;

Bank holiday period Service starts (6pm) Service ends (8am)
Easter 2015 Thursday 2nd April 2015 Tuesday 7th April 2015
Early May bank holiday Friday 1st May 2015 Tuesday 5th May 2015
Spring bank holiday Friday 22nd May 2015 Tuesday 16th May 2015
Late summer bank holiday Friday 28th August 2015 Tuesday 1st September 2015
Christmas Day & Boxing Day (including substitute day) Thursday 24th December 2015 Tuesday 29th December 2015
New Year's Day Thursday 31st December 2015 Monday 4th January 2016
Easter 2016 Thursday 24th March 2016 Tuesday 29th March 2016

The service specification remains unchanged except that pharmacists may now only supply up to seven (7) day’s of medicines to patients who meet the requirements of the emergency supply rules. Please see the Emergency Supply Service 2014-15 (Service ID 19864) listed under Rotherham LPC on the Services Database for a copy of the service specification and associated documents.

Please note, this service has now finished.

Location of service

Rotherham LPC


Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Service type

Emergency supply NHS service

Other organisations involved


Start date: 02/04/2015
End date: 29/03/2016




The community pharmacy contractor had a duty to ensure that pharmacists involved in the provision of the service had relevant knowledge and were appropriately trained in the operation of the service.
