Services Database General Practice Digital Minor Illness Referral Enhanced Service (GP DMIRS)

Service ID



As part of the Pharmacy Integration Fund programme of work to integrate community pharmacy into local NHS urgent care pathways, a new approach is being taken to create a digital process for sending a “referral” to a community pharmacist instead of booking a GP appointment for a low acuity minor illness assessment.
The purpose of the GP DMIRS is to reduce the burden on general practice by referring patients requiring advice and treatment for certain low acquity conditions from a GP practice to a community pharmacist. Its aim is to ensure that patients have access to the same levels of care, close to home and with a self-care emphasis.
The end points of the consultation may include:

  • Advice given only
  • Advice and the sale of an Over the Counter (OTC) medicine
  • Advice and referral into a pharmacy local Minor Ailments Service (MAS) (dependent on local commissioning arrangements)
  • Advice and referral into a local Patient Group Direction service (dependent on local commissioning arrangements)
  • Advice and referral back to the patient’s GP (pharmacist to arrange appointment for the patient at the patient’s own GP – as part of this service)
  • Advice and signpost on to another service.

Location of service

Greater Manchester LPC


NHS England

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

NHS England

Service type

Digital Minor Illness Referral Service (DMIRS - GP referrals)

Other organisations involved


Start date: 01/07/2019
End date: 31/03/2020




The necessary knowledge and skills to provide the service will already be a core competency for all pharmacists, but pharmacists will want to ensure they have an up to date understanding of the service specification and it is recommended that they watch the DMIRS 111 Referral video for background knowledge.


This service is available in the Bury area only.