Services Database Healthcare Workers Influenza Immunisation in Community Pharmacies (Wiltshire Area)

Service ID



This service increases access to and the provision of the seasonal influenza immunisation for employees who have been identified by their Employer as eligible to receive such service.

Aims and objectives:

  • Increase uptake of the influenza vaccine in Local Employees deemed eligible by their Employer;
  • Improve access to the influenza vaccine;
  • Promote awareness of the vaccination programmes; and
  • Improve public health by decreasing infection across the population. 

Location of service

Swindon & Wiltshire LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Seasonal influenza vaccination

Other organisations involved


Start date: 21/09/2015
End date: 29/02/2016




The pharmacy contractor will ensure that any pharmacist who is involved in administering a vaccine has successfully completed a training course that meets the requirements of the National Minimum Standards for Immunisation Training (published by Public Health England).


This service is available in the Wiltshire area only.