Services Database Community Pharmacy Healthy Weight Service (Portsmouth City Area)
Service ID
All community pharmacies located in Portsmouth City boundaries are invited to participate in this service provided they :
- are a Healthy Living Pharmacy; and/or
- are a participant in the Health Checks Programme; and/or
- have achieved 12 successful 4-week quits through the stop smoking programme in the previous financial year; and
- have completed the necessary training standards.
The service comprises of several levels of activity:
- Offering a service to weigh and measure clients who are concerned about their weight and to provide brief advice about healthy eating.
- Effective signposting of individuals to a service that suits their particular need, including referral to specialist service
- Working with clients who are eligible for the service and who are committed to making changes to achieve a healthier lifestyle by providing regular 1:1 counselling service.
- Providing ongoing opportunistic support for clients who have completed the programme.
Location of service
Hampshire & IOW LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Weight management
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
All staff providing 1:1 counselling must be accredited Healthy Weight Advisers. The preferred route of accreditation is to attend the two day training session delivered by Portsmouth Hospital Dieticians and 2 day training on behaviour change techniques.
Pharmacy teams must have necessary knowledge to give brief advice; to support health weight assessment and recruitment and to provide contingency cover for unplanned absence of pharmacy advisers.
This service is available in the Portsmouth City area only.