Services Database Hearing Health Service (Richmond Area)
Service ID
The proposal is to pilot the use of a 3-in-1 innovative otoscopy device in 20 community pharmacies across South West London, which will enable screening hearing tests, digital otoscopy and wax removal to be performed in local community settings, by trained non-medical staff, for example, Pharmacists, Pharmacy Technicians or Pharmacy Assistants.
This pilot is a novel care pathway, providing a more efficient and innovative way of delivering care to patients.
In the proposed new pathway, patients suffering from hearing loss who have been advised of self-care recommendations can be referred by a GP to be seen in a one-stop hearing health appointment in community pharmacy. A trained pharmacy professional will conduct a screening hearing test assessment and digital otoscopy, and can provide wax removal if required, all in a 30-minute appointment. Following the one-stop appointment, summary information will be electronically sent back to a primary care clinician who may discharge the patient or refer onward to an appropriate specialist.
Entry to the service will be via referral only. Patients will be asked to make contact with the participating pharmacy and should be offered an appointment within 48 hours of first contact.
Location of service
Kingston & Richmond LPC
Other: SWL Outpatient Transformation Group
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Service type
Ear, nose & throat
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
Comprehensive accredited training will be provided by Tympahealth, consisting of a mixture of on-line and face to face sessions (around 14hrs in total). Training will be available to one pharmacist and one pharmacy technician / assistant in each of 20 participating pharmacies.
The training course covers a six week period and ongoing support will be available.