Services Database Hepatitis C Point of Care Testing
Service ID
This service involves the delivery of Point of Care Testing (POCT) for Hepatitis C within community pharmacies providing the needle and syringe programme.
- To provide point of contact testing by identifying patients potentially eligible for treatmentin community pharmacies that offer needle exchange. Currently there is little or no hepatitisC testing undertaken at this first and regular point of contact.
- Partner with the Operational Delivery Network (ODN) to identify novel pathways for both identification of the viral burden and developing strategies to best target resources.
- Support active case finding in the identified pharmacies.
Location of service
Birmingham & Solihull LPC
Other: MSD
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Pharmaceutical industry
Service type
Blood-borne virus screening
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
All pharmacy staff testers must have completed the RCGPtraining: ‘Hepatitis C: Enhancing Prevention, Testing and Care’and have completed a minimum 2 hour education sessionorganised by MSD.