Services Database Inhaler Technique Improvement Initiative (Knowsley Area)
Service ID
The principal aim of the initiative is to improve inhaler technique, thereby improving users’ health and quality of life and reducing emergency admissions. The initiative will also raise the skills of healthcare professionals thereby ensuring a longer lasting impact.
Delivery of the commissioned service consists of an initial baseline assessment, education to improve inhaler technique and a follow up assessment.
Initial assessment:
- Establish the patient’s actual use, experience and understanding of their inhalers
- Assess current control of their condition using , Asthma Control Test or the COPD assessment test
- Take a pre education reading using InCheck Dial device
Patient education:
- Provide education to promote better understanding and confidence about their inhalers
- Provide education and support improvement in inhaler technique where appropriate
- Provide education and support for the child asthma action plan (supplied)
- Take a post education reading using InCheck R Dial Device
- Assess smoking status. Offer smoking cessation support as required
- If necessary make referral back to GP
- Input outcomes into PharmOutcomes tool
One month after the initial Commissioned Service , the patient will be asked to return to the pharmacy for an inhaler technique check.
- Repeat Asthma Control Test or the COPD assessment test
- If necessary, make referral back to GP
- For a child review, recheck knowledge and understanding of the child asthma action plan
- Re check smoking status and offer of smoking cessation
- Input outcomes into PharmOutcomes Tool
Location of service
Halton, St Helens & Knowsley LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
The training for the pharmacist will include:
- the differences between the various inhalers;
- why inhaler resistance impacts on how people inhale;
- why changes in particle size, inhalation speed and breath hold all affect the amount of drug deposited in the various parts of the respiratory tract;
- why some patients do not respond as well as could be expected;
- use of In Check Dial devices;
- how to correct errors in inhalation technique;
- how to offer better explanation to both patients and health care professionals;
- referral process back to GP if required;
- use of ACT control test and COPD assessment as required; and
- childhood asthma action plan.
This service is available in the Knowsley area only.