Services Database Intermediate Stop Smoking Service and Nicotine Replacement Voucher Scheme (Knowsley Area)
Service ID
The service will provide one to one support and advice to people over 16 years old who smoke tobacco and live, work, study or have registered GP in Knowsley and want to give up smoking. The service will help to increase choice and improve access to stop smoking support, especially for ‘hard to reach’ groups.
Based on the stop smoking advisor consultation in accordance with the NRT protocols and guidance the pharmacy will supply appropriate smoking cessation drugs.
Location of service
Halton, St Helens & Knowsley LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Stop smoking
Other organisations involved
Knowsley’s Specialist Stop Smoking Service, City Health Care Partnership (CHCP)
Start date:
End date:
To provide this service all counter staff must be trained to offer brief advice or brief intervention as detailed below:
- Attendance of a half day training session off site by CHCP; or
- Completion of NCSCT online brief advice/intervention module.
The pharmacy must have at least two members of staff who are trained in providing intermediate level stop smoking support as detailed below.
- Completion of NCSCT online training level 1 brief intervention (before attendance of the full day course);
- One full day off site stop smoking training provided by CHCP; and
- Completion of NCSCT level 2 intermediate online training (following the one day course).
All intermediate stop smoking advisors will be expected to attend on an annual basis an update session provided by CHCP (early evening or half day session).
This service is available in the Knowsley area only.