Services Database Intermediate Stop Smoking Service (Northumberland Area)

Service ID



A stop smoking service, which allows the client to receive nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) or be referred to their GP for varenicline or bupropion.

The pharmacy intermediate advisors will provide support to clients for up to 12 weeks.

Location of service

North of Tyne LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Stop smoking

Other organisations involved

Northumberland specialist Stop Smoking Service


Start date:
End date:




All pharmacy intermediate stop smoking advisers who run clinics and return monitoring data should be trained by the Northumberland specialist Stop Smoking Service, be registered as active stop smoking advisors and adhere to the quality principles agreed in training. There is no charge for training.

All intermediate stop smoking advisers are required to attend an annual update to ensure skills are maintained. This will also be provided free of charge by the Northumberland specialist Stop Smoking Service.

The pharmacy contractor has a duty to ensure that pharmacists and staff involved in this service provision have the appropriate skills and knowledge and are appropriately trained by the Northumberland specialist Stop Smoking Service.


This service is available in the Northumberland area only.