Services Database Medicines Governance Service to Care Homes (Calderdale Area)
Service ID
An accredited pharmacist will provide advice and support to the staff within the care home to ensure the proper and effective ordering of drugs and appliances, their safe storage, supply and administration and proper record keeping.
Specifically this will include:
- providing an assessment of the relevant systems, records and monitoring used within the care home against the set criteria;
- providing advice and guidance to the care home on the appropriate systems, records and monitoring required by the care home;
- identifying training needs relating to medicines and appliances to help improve the skills of the care home staff;
- identifying problems regarding the safe storage and handling of medicines within the care home Agreeing SMART action points with the relevant care home staff so the care home understands the actions it needs to take to ensure safe and appropriate systems, records and monitoring for medicines and appliances;
- communication with the care home to confirm that the agreed action points have been implemented with the care home; and
- reporting information from the assessment and communication to the care home to the PCT Each care home will be assessed every 12 months.
It is proposed to offer support to all registered care homes in Calderdale to ensure that medicines ordering, supply, administration and storage systems are within current guidance and good practices.
Location of service
West Yorkshire LPC
NHS England
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Service type
Care home
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
Not known.
This service is available in the Calderdale area.