Services Database Community Pharmacy First Minor Ailments Scheme
Service ID
The aims of the service are:
- to improve primary care capacity by reducing medical practice workload related to minor ailments; and
- to improve access and choice for people with minor ailments by:
- promoting self-care through the pharmacy, including provision of advice, printed information relevant to the minor ailment and where appropriate medicines without the need to visit the GP practice;
- operating a referral system from local medical practices; and
- supplying appropriate medicines at NHS expense to patients who are exempt from prescription charges.
The pharmacy will operate a triage system, including referral to other health and social care professionals, where appropriate. The pharmacy will provide advice (including printed information) and support to people on the management of minor ailments.
Location of service
Barnsley LPC
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Service type
Minor ailment service
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
No specialist training or accreditation is required over and above the normal requirements for a pharmacist providing contracted pharmaceutical services, which includes the self-care essential service. However, the pharmacist should be familiar with this service specification.
The CCG will provide a training event to cover the service, share learning and provide a forum for questions and answers.
Each pharmacist providing the service must self-certify that they have read and understood the enhanced service pack issued to pharmacists by the CCG. Pharmacists would be expected to re-validate this self-certification every two years which may be in the form of a self-declaration of competency or other method of assessment as considered appropriate by Barnsley CCG.