Services Database Needle and Syringe Exchange Scheme (North Lancashire Area)
Service ID
The pharmacy contractor will provide access to sterile needles and syringes, and sharp containers for return of used equipment and other related paraphernalia including citric acid/vitamin c, etc. The pharmacy contractor will also offer a collection point for used equipment, which will require disposal. The service user will be provided with appropriate health promotion materials and publications. In addition, pharmacy teams will provide support and advice to the user, including signposting to other health and social care professionals and specialist substance misuse (drug and alcohol) treatment services where appropriate which will assist in promoting safe practice to the user, including advice on sexual health and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), HIV and hepatitis C transmission and hepatitis A and B immunisation.
Location of service
Lancashire & South Cumbria LPC
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Service type
Needle & syringe programme
Other organisations involved
Lancashire Drug and Alcohol Action Team (DAAT).
Start date:
End date:
Pharmacists must have completed the CPPE pack on Substance use and misuse - pharmacist version and gained HAG accreditation (now called Declaration of Competence) for needle exchange.
Pharmacy technicians participating in the service must have completed the CPPE pack on Substance use and misuse; fundamentals and practicalities for the pharmacy technician.
This service is available in the North Lancashire area only.