Services Database Needle and Syringe Programme (Barnsley)

Service ID



The aim of the service is to reduce the harms of substance misuse to individuals, families and communities and:

  • Provides adult injecting drug users over 18 with clean equipment (excluding steroid users);
  • Takes back equipment and thus reduces the discarding of used needles etc;
  • Offers advice and information
  • Reduces the spread of blood borne viruses, such as HBV, HCV and HIV;
  • reduces overdose and deaths; and
  • Encourages and signposts users into other treatment services.

Before starting the service, the pharmacy must have a SOP for blood spills and needle stick injuries. All staff delivering the service should have Hepatitis A and B vaccinations.
A brief assessment of the client should take place initially to identify necessary information, for example, the type of drugs used, injection sites so that the correct equipment can be provided, including injecting paraphernalia and harm reduction equipment. A sharps container for used equipment should also be provided, and these are removed from the pharmacy through a clinical waste disposal contract managed by the DAAT. Stock for the service is ordered through Addaction.
Service user involvement is through an informal system allowing users to raise issues, and a mystery shopper scheme is in place to ensure service users receive the correct information and equipment.

Location of service

South Yorkshire


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Transitioned from PCT

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Needle & syringe programme

Other organisations involved

Barnsley Drug and Alcohol Action Team
South Yorkshire Police
Service User Involvement Officers
Safer Neighbourhood Teams


Start date:
End date:




Not known
