Services Database Needle Exchange Scheme (North Somerset Area)
Service ID
The aims of this service are to:
- support the Council’s initiatives to reduce drug related harm;
- expand the availability of needle exchange services across North Somerset;
- protect the health of injecting drug users and the health of the wider community (reducing the risk of accidental needle stick injuries and reducing the transmission of blood borne viruses);
- collect and report information on the local drug injecting population for use in Council needs assessments and service planning;
- reinforce safer injecting information and harm reduction advice;
- encourage service users to seek further assistance or advice from health care professionals or specialist services; and
- assist service users to remain healthy until they are ready and willing to cease injecting.
Location of service
Avon LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Needle & syringe programme
Other organisations involved
Community Safety Drug Action Team
Start date:
End date:
Not known.