Services Database Needle Exchange Service (Warwickshire)

Service ID



The pharmacy will agree to provide the service on the premises only and for the full
duration of the opening times. PharmOutcomes will be used to record all Needle
Exchange transactions.
The Pharmacy will:

  • Work within NICE guidance requirements outlined in the Service Specification
    for Needle Exchange.
  • Be an active partner in providing feedback to Warwickshire County Council
    about the pharmacies experience of providing this service (also through the
  • Have overall clinical responsibility for the completion of the Needle Exchange,
    in both the form of dispensing needle packs and completing sharps returns,
    ensuring safe and compliant protocols and procedures are in place and
  • Ensure individual accreditations on the Dynamic
    Purchasing Scheme (DPS) are kept up to date.
  • Record all Needle Exchange information on the PharmOutcomes system to
    allow for effective monitoring and payment.
  • Promote relevant and associated healthcare advice such as how and where
    to obtain BBV vaccinations.
  • Provide a safe, non – judgemental, environment for Needle Exchange
  • Protect service user confidentiality by avoiding, where practical, data flows
    which identify individuals.
  • Ensure that appropriate arrangements are in place to minimise risk to the
    clients, provider, pharmacy staff and other patients. This will include the use
    of Standard Operating Procedures for the service, taking steps to ensure all
    staff are appropriately trained and giving adequate compliance with clinical
    audit and standards of record keeping.
  • Complete incident reports, for incidents occurring during the provision of
    needle exchange (defined as any occurrence that is not consistent with the
    professional standards of care of the patient or routine operation/policies of
    the organisation). These reports will be provided to Commissioners as

Location of service

Arden LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Service type

Needle & syringe programme

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Participating pharmacies must ensure that a designated pharmacist has completed
CPPE learning for Substance Use and Misuse within the past 3 years.
Current training (updated in December 2017) takes the form of a 4 module Elearning sessions with an E-assessment.
CPPE certificates for all individuals providing the service from the pharmacy
must be uploaded onto the DPS system, before the commission
commences. All certificates must be dated within the last 3 years. The
commissioner will accept e-assessment certificates based upon the previous
CPPE substance use and misuse distance learning or e-learning modules so
long as they were completed within the last 3 years.
It is the responsibility of the designated pharmacist to be assured that all staff
(including support staff and locum pharmacists) are adequately trained to meet the
requirements of the service at all times and that information on the DPS is current
and updated as staff change.
Training schedule should include:
- The role of Needle And Syringe Co-ordinator
- The PharmOutcomes System and pages for the service
- Aims & objectives of a Needle and Syringe provision
- Other provision of Needle and Syringe in Warwickshire
- The Needle and Syringe procedure
- Equipment used within Needle and Syringe
- Clinical waste management
- Health promotion, safer injecting, overdose, drug awareness
- Policies & procedures for needle stick injuries, disposal of sharps, blood borne
viruses, confidentiality, contra-indications to service, dealing with young people
- FAQs
