Services Database Needle Exchange Service

Service ID



Pharmacies can provide harm reduction items such as clean needles, sharps bins, swabs and citric acid as well as sexual health advice. Any used equipment can be returned for destruction in a safe sharps disposal bin.
The aim of this service is to reduce the harms associated with drug-taking to the service user and on the wider society. The service user will be given help, support and signposting to additional services in a non-judgemental and confidential service.

Location of service

Coventry LPC


Other: Celesio

Method of commissioning


Source of funding


Service type

Needle & syringe programme

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Participating community pharmacies must ensure that a designated pharmacist has completed the current CPPE Distance Learning Pack for Drug Use and Misuse (or be willing to do so within 3 months) or the GPHC Certificate in Management of Drug Misuse. CPPE certificates must be forwarded to the: Needle and Syringe Co-ordinator, CGL, 1 Lamb Street, Coventry CV1 4AE
It is the responsibility of the designated pharmacist to be assured that all staff (including support staff and locum pharmacists) are adequately trained to meet the requirements of the service at all times. The pharmacy Needle and Syringe co-ordinator will provide detailed training to prepare pharmacy staff for the scheme. Resource material provided during the training should remain available at the pharmacy for future reference.
