Services Database Needle Exchange (Trafford Area)
Service ID
The provision of the service is to include:
- access to sterile needles and syringes, and sharps containers for return of used equipment;
- encouraging users to register with a GP;
- provide advice on safer injecting –i.e a referral to a health specialist within drug treatment;
- requiring users to return injecting equipment to the service for safe disposal;
- advice on avoiding overdose;
- information on safe disposal of injecting equipment;
- help to stop injecting drugs;
- referral to other health and social care services; and
- provide information about agencies offering further support.
Location of service
Greater Manchester LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Needle & syringe programme
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
As a minimum staff who are providing this service must receive awareness training on the safe handling and disposal of needles, the correct procedures to minimise any risks (a needle stick policy must be in place), health promotion advice and how to minimise the harm caused by injecting.
Providers will be offered appropriate training where required e.g. harm minimisation and safe injecting techniques.
This service is available in the Trafford area only.