Services Database Needle Exchange Scheme
Service ID
Pharmacy contractors providing this service will be required to:
- provide sterile injecting equipment, sharps bins, other equipment and information leaflets;
- ensure the safe disposal of used equipment in line with current legislation using a waste contractor provided and funded by the local authority;
- provide advice and information about ways to make injecting less dangerous;
- promote alternatives to intravenous drug use; and
- signpost clients to other services.
Location of service
Doncaster LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Needle & syringe programme
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
The service shall be provided by pharmacy staff who have undertaken initial training and agree to participate in two hours of local update training in the evening every two years.
New providers will be required to undertake an initial one day training session before being able to commence providing the service.